
Plastic recycling gains competitiveness: expectations for 2022

The international crisis due to the high cost of raw materials and the 'logistics blockade' has made the plastics industry show greater interest in sourcing recycled material, which is why the circular economy has gained competitiveness.

A recovery began last year after the complex year of all economic activities in 2020. The sector registered a real production growth of 23% in the manufacture of plastic products and 28% in that of basic chemical substances, including plastics in primary forms, for the period January-October 2021, compared to the same period in 2020. These results reflect the strong recovery after the crisis and are the highest figures on record.

For its part, in this period, exports in value of plastics in primary forms increased 68% and those of plastic products increased 26%. In addition, during 2021, the rebound in economic figures occurred across the board, as a result of the increase in consumption and the dynamism of user sectors of the petrochemical-plastic industries: food, beverages, textiles and clothing, cleaning products, cosmetics, automotive industry and construction, among others. The situation of the sector exceeds the levels of 2019.

The largest imports of machinery to manufacture plastics and rubber. Between January and October 2021 compared to the same period in 2020, the increase was 19%, reflecting the optimism of the industry and the commitment it makes to modernize and expand capacities.



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